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5 Must Have Photos For Your Personal Brand Photoshoot

When you book your personal brand or headshot session you are investing your time, energy and money. You really want to get the most out of the session and come away with images you can use on your website, social media and even print.

Here are some ideas for your next photoshoot, don't be afraid to tell your photographer exactly what kind of images you need.

#1 - The Contemporary Headshot

Oh the frightening Headshot! Everyone is scared of it, even I am. It's intimidating and a lot of pressure. Just you and the camera, and me of course. I remember when I had a headshot done for work years ago. The experience still haunts me today and is what drives me to do things differently and to give you a better experience. I had all the lights on me, all. of. them. I was in a studio room with no windows. The photographer kept asking me to tilt my head this way and that. I was so uncomfortable. The photo was so bad I threw it. It was actually for an award I had won... no one ever knew about. The photo was that bad.

This is not what I want for you. Equipment should take second place. Actually even posing should if it means you are comfortable and I get a genuine smile from you. Headshots done well can be used everywhere! Your social media profile picture, your "About me page" on your website, Linkedin, honestly it's the must have shot of the day. You can't not have one.

See my Headshot Portfolio here for some inspiration!

#2 - The Full Length Shot

I like the full length shot a lot. It's an opportunity to add another photo of yourself maybe on your website but with a bit more detail.

The headshot is really just about your face and the opportunity to connect with your potential clients. The full length is to tell a bit more of the story.

We can add personality with things you love. For example your favourite photo or painting, books, or maybe you love shoes and you want to connect with others who love shoes. It could be anything at all. Also great for "About Me" pages on your website or instagram post about you.

#3 - The Lifestyle Shot

Or the "personality" shot. It's my favourite. It's the real you caught in that second you had a giggle about how awkward it is getting your photo taken. Pure Gold!

It's the image that gives the viewer more reason to connect with you. It's a real moment caught in-between shots, the genuine you. These are the cream shots I try to get for you on the day, the reason why I don't put my camera down during our photoshoot.

This image is a reminder why you need someone professional to capture you, this is near impossible to do yourself (I've tried, it's weird) but a professional with a quick camera and quirky sense of humour can (aka me).

See my Personal Branding Portfolio here for some inspiration!

#4 - The Behind The Scenes Shot

Behind the scenes is an intriguing look at what you do at work. Personal Branding is really telling the story of you, the person behind the brand, what you look like, what you do, why you do it and how you do it. These images offer the audience a peek behind the curtains, giving them a sense of your business and how much you love it, this really helps them connect with your brand on a deeper level. A definite must have for your photoshoot.

#5 - The Leave Room For Text Shot

Such a simple idea but a very powerful tool!

It can be used for social media or even better, a banner on your website. It will save you trying to do this yourself later if I do it for you on the day. Also if we take your portrait on a blank wall (preferably white) it is a LOT easier for you to cut yourself out or change the background colour later.

See my BLOG for more interesting reads!

Don't Worry If You Are Not Sure

Before our photoshoot I will talk to you about these things. We can work out together what kind of photos you need. But it is always good for you to take some time to think about specific shots you need so that you get the most out of your session. Hope this has helped!



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