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Business Headshots - why you need them

Is a photo that important?

Think of your profile photo (that goes for your website, Instagram, Linkedin or Facebook etc) as your "digital" first impression. If your headshot is professional people will naturally assume you are a professional person and will be more inclined to keep scrolling. On the other hand, having no image can be discouraging and even a turnoff. Let's face it, we all want to connect to another human and the best way we can do that online is with really good photos of ourself. What we are doing is sending the right message to our potential clients that we are professional and approachable.

A beautiful, relaxed, professional corporate headshot for Clare at Leoca Design.

Here are 5 reasons why professional headshots are important for any business

  1. Your Beautiful Engagement Photo Just Won't Do (sorry) If a potential customer is connecting your face to a company's name the photos better live up to your core values and look the part. For example an old black & white photo from your 'hey day' will not cut it. Or cropping out a picture you really like of yourself from your cousins wedding, can look cheap.

  2. Looks Have Nothing To Do With It The good news; you don't have to be ridiculously good looking (yep I can vouch for that). The goal of your headshot is to show professionalism and personality not how attractive were are. A professional headshot shows that you care.

  3. First Impressions Count Did you know that we are judged by someone within 11 seconds of meeting them? It's a good idea to take advantage of those 11 seconds online as well. Put your very best self forward and make the best impression you can.

  4. Visual Reminders Are Powerful Having really good headshots in your social media and about me pages allows your potential customers to keep you in mind. If you saw two websites, one with a really nice relatable business headshot and the other one was obviously taken in 1990, which one would you remember?

  5. Images Can Help You Get Found On The Web Optimized photos can help your website get found in the image results like Google Images and perform better in the overall search results. They can also help to engage customers and keep them on your site for longer, or encourage them to choose you over a competitor.

Send the right message

Invest in beautiful professional business headshots and send the right message to your potential customers. A message that says... I am worth it! I care about my business and I care about how I come across to my clients.

Thanks for reading my Blog Post I hope you enjoyed it.

(Britt is a Brisbane based Personal Brand and Business Headshot photographer.)


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